Using the Right Tools for the Job – A Photographers Perspective
How many times have your tools let you down during work, adventure or play?
Have you ever bought the cheapest option available, only to replace it several times instead of purchasing the good gear in the first place? I think we all have, and if you’re clever you know what to do the next time around.
My raincoat is leaking. It’s a $2 poncho. What did you expect?
My Tupperware broke. That’s not Tupperware, it’s a takeaway container.
This head torch is useless. It was from the bargain bin wasn’t it…?
It’s the same with photography gear, and the number one reason why I invest in the best kit available. It’s not just about the obvious benefits of high-end gear, it’s the long term durability. Knowing that you’re prepared and ready to withstand any shooting conditions, especially in the outdoors, is part of my commitment to being a professional photographer.
What tools do you invest in to perform at your best within your workplace?
No, it’s not just about the gear. There’s a hundred other reasons that – combined – contribute to being a professional ‘anything’.But durable and reliable equipment is a pivotal link in the chain that allows the true professional to focus all of their attention on performing the other parts of their job even better.
I can’t list the amount of times that I’ve seen a friend or colleague battle with damaged equipment because it was not built to last. Shoes taped together with duct tape, tent pegs bending the first time they’re used, generic-brand camera equipment falling apart…
Invest in the best. That’s my take on it anyway. Perhaps you have some similar experiences of your own?
Life is busy. Can you ‘afford’ to use cheap equipment?
Have a great week…!