Making our Sessions Fun – A Shoot with Tara
Element has quite recently entered the world of head shot photography for models, actors and professionals. Whilst preparing our packages and studio over the past year we asked a friend-of-a-friend Tara to come and have a shoot in the studio with us, just for a test run before our big launch.
Our head shot superstar Tara Williams.
As with all of our shoots we love to have a bit of fun. Providing a fun and relaxed atmosphere is particularly important when working with new customers and so this was a good practice session as we had never met Tara before the day!
So we put on some tunes, made a few lame jokes and got into the discussion phase of the session. This is where we worked out the style of shoot that we were going for. Obviously we want to ensure that our service meets the desires of our customer. After 5-10 minutes we got underway.

Tara is not actually a model, but should be right?

A more full length body shot with a unique pose we tried out.
Everyone looks different when it comes to head shots. A pose that suits one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. So we gave Tara some direction and had a play around to get the right combination of angle, lighting and facial expressions.
Below are a few of our favourites.
During the shoot all of the photos came up on the screen in realtime, so it really allowed us to work with Tara to get something that we were all happy with. It really made for a smooth and professional process. We also had a bit of fun along the way!
Tara shows off our studio setup while having a bit of fun.
Learn more
To learn more about our head shots packages you can read all about it on our website here.